Sunday, October 9, 2011

Raising My Voice!

Hello lovelies,

I was going to launch this blog with the story of how I lost my voice for four years when I was ac child . But as I was unpacking and taking the first steps to building my new life, the universe intervened as I was unpacking and gifted me with a quote that I think fits the spirit and nature of this blog. I randomly drew this quote from a selection of quotes during a trauma group. It is by the inspirational and amazing Audre Lorde.

"I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. We've been taught that silence would save us, but it won't"

For so long I thought that being silent and not talking about abuse or my sexual orientation or my eating disorder would save me. That the silence would keep me in a protective bubble that wouldn't allow me to get hurt. But I have learned that silence does not work in my life.

In this blog I will share my experiences, raise my voice and embrace my inner lioness. I invite you to come along for the journey and share your own process of healing.

Together we can speak for those who have no voices and show the world that we will not be silenced.

(A special thank you to the lovely Ellie D who encouraged me to take this leap and begin a blog again. You can check out her personal blog here and her kick ass business Headologist here.)


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